How the Banister formula makes you a better runner

How the Banister formula makes you a better runner

Runners who want to know how strenuous their different training sessions are can use the Banister formula as a guide. But this only works if you know your so-called deflection range. It sounds complicated, but it’s not. It is easy to determine:

Muscle fibers and training – what you need to know

Muscle fibers and training – what you need to know

The human body has about 650 muscles. Unfortunately, it cannot be said precisely. Some muscles merge into each other, and some are no longer found in old age. But one thing is sure: the muscle fibers of the skeletal muscles enable us to move. So 

What helps best against side stitches

What helps best against side stitches

Almost everyone has had to struggle with it at some time or another. Not only recreational athletes but also Olympic athletes. That nasty pain below the costal arch, which we popularly call side stitches. Fortunately, harmless, they can turn training into torture. But with these 

Why regular training is so important for you

Why regular training is so important for you

It’s a law of nature. Only if you train regularly will you stay fit. However, if you are inactive for a more extended period, muscles and blood vessels will regress. The body no longer needs them. Unfortunately, this happens very quickly. That is why regular 

How tattoos affect the performance capability of athletes

How tattoos affect the performance capability of athletes

Athletes, swimmers, footballers – anyone who watches sports broadcasts on TV can admire the athletes’ performance and the many more or less successful tattoos on the skin. However, suppose you are an active sportsman or woman and are thinking about getting a tattoo. In that 

Your most important muscles at a glance

Your most important muscles at a glance

Your body has 639 muscles. They ensure that your organism functions smoothly. Without them, you would not be able to survive. Like a motor, they convert energy into movement. Here is an overview of the most important muscles: