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Why regular training is so important for you

Why regular training is so important for you

It’s a law of nature. Only if you train regularly will you stay fit. However, if you are inactive for a more extended period, muscles and blood vessels will regress. The body no longer needs them. Unfortunately, this happens very quickly. That is why regular 

Effectively build muscles with cluster training

Effectively build muscles with cluster training

Do you train regularly, are pretty fit, and are looking for new training variations? Then you should take a closer look at the so-called cluster training. Although it’s a bit older, it’s relatively unknown. That’s surprising because some experts consider it to be the most 

Whole-body workout with a barbell for muscle building

Whole-body workout with a barbell for muscle building

When you think of a barbell workout, squats and bench presses probably come to mind first. But you can do a great whole-body workout with the steel bars up to two meters long. Here is a complete whole-body workout with the barbell.

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Building muscles with German volume training

Building muscles with German volume training

There are many training methods with which you can train your muscles. However, a particularly very effective way is German Volume Training. The exhausting training was developed 50 years ago by a weightlifter named Rolf Feser but is still considered one of the best training 

Your science-based running guide

Your science-based running guide

Do you run regularly and want to know how you can optimize your training? Then my new running guide is probably just right for you. On 136 pages, you will find all the information you need for your running training. The book is available worldwide 

How tattoos affect the performance capability of athletes

How tattoos affect the performance capability of athletes

Athletes, swimmers, footballers – anyone who watches sports broadcasts on TV can admire the athletes’ performance and the many more or less successful tattoos on the skin. However, suppose you are an active sportsman or woman and are thinking about getting a tattoo. In that case, you should pause for a moment: Tattoos can negatively impact performance, according to a study.

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