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Increase your fitness level with the 21 repetitions workout

Increase your fitness level with the 21 repetitions workout

If you are looking for a training method that will take your fitness level to the next level, you should try 21 Repetitions. It allows you to train numerous muscle groups optimally. You set new stimuli and can improve yourself further.

Periodization helps with continuous performance improvement

Periodization helps with continuous performance improvement

Anyone who trains regularly would like to continuously improve their performance. If this does not work as desired, if performance stagnates or even declines, incorrect periodization can often occur. But this does not have to be the case: If you divide your training or workout 

How to optimize your training with heart rate variability (HRV)

How to optimize your training with heart rate variability (HRV)

It doesn’t matter whether you are a hobby athlete, an ambitious fitness fan, or a competitive athlete. For all of them, regular training has the same goal: they want to improve. In this context, the term supercompensation comes up again and again. Because only a good interplay between exercise and recovery guarantees optimal progress. Determining heart rate variability (HRV) can be a great help here.

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Why endurance athletes should do strength training

Why endurance athletes should do strength training

Strength training is not particularly popular with many endurance athletes. But if you want to improve your endurance skills, you can’t avoid strength training. The break schedule is significant. A new study has shown this. Because if you work out again too quickly after strength 

The best ways to structure your strength training

The best ways to structure your strength training

No matter what your goals are with regular strength training, you should train according to a plan. You have a few options that you should know about. Here is a list of the most essential methods to structure your strength training and build it according 

Fitness-comeback – Getting back into shape

Fitness-comeback – Getting back into shape

If you want to return to regular training after a long break from the sport, there are a few things you need to consider. Many people underestimate how quickly their performance capacity declines. Even motivation, which is often too great, can soon lead to overwork. Here are the best tips for your fitness-comeback:

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