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The role of time under tension in strength training

The role of time under tension in strength training

Fast, slow, or better by feel? Which speed of movement is best for strength training? In fact, research has shown that most athletes just get started. Too bad because the right pace in movement execution influences the workout’s success. Read more about time under tension.

Building muscle is not a question of age

Building muscle is not a question of age

At 30, things keep going downhill. Muscles shrink, energy decreases, and more and more fat accumulates in the body, especially around the belly. But fortunately, that happens just if you don’t do anything about it. Because effective muscle building is possible at any age and, 

Diets work only in combination with sports

Diets work only in combination with sports

Animal experimentation is one of those things, not only from the point of view of animal welfare. Often, the studies are not transferable to humans. But in a study published by the University of Cambridge, scientists are confident that it also applies to humans. Moreover, their study succeeded: Diets only work with exercise.

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How to military press for strong shoulders

How to military press for strong shoulders

The exercise has different names: military press, front press, or shoulder press. Whatever you call the exercise, it is best suited to train strong and muscular shoulders. Your trapezius, triceps, and abdominal muscles will also benefit. Here’s everything you need to know about the exercise:

Muscle growth – how fast does it really go?

Muscle growth – how fast does it really go?

They can still be found in magazines and on the Internet: Articles with headlines like “Six-pack in 14 days” or “Guaranteed more visible muscles in a week”. Even with forbidden measures, this is hardly possible. So let’s take a closer look at how muscle growth 

Low performance? How to get back in shape

Low performance? How to get back in shape

There are always phases in training when things don’t run smoothly. You constantly feel tired, weak, and lazy. Overtraining is often to blame. And only those who then reduce their workload can recover from it. But there are other reasons for an inexplicable low performance.

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