Tag: endurance training

How do I know that I have trained well?

How do I know that I have trained well?

You’ve had a good workout, worked up a sweat, and then you feel your muscles. That’s good, you think. I’ve completed a great program. But is that really true? How can I know that if I’ve trained well? Fortunately, there are a few indicators.

Biorhythm and the optimal time for fitness and sport

Biorhythm and the optimal time for fitness and sport

Your performance fluctuates by a whopping 26 percent over the day. Of course, this has an influence on your fitness training. Because there are times of day when you are in excellent shape and others when you should instead rest. If you pay attention to 

Belly fat and the best ways to fight it

Belly fat and the best ways to fight it

For most people, a glance in the mirror is enough to see that they carry too many pounds around their midsection. But even slim people can accumulate internal belly fat. Visceral fat harms health. But with the right strategy, anyone can reduce and get rid of their belly fat.

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Improve your endurance with polarized training

Improve your endurance with polarized training

If you train your endurance regularly and according to plan, you pay attention to training frequency, duration, and intensity. New findings show that especially training intensity plays a vital role. This is where polarized training comes into play: you either train very hard or slowly.