Tag: exercise

The best methods to train the chest muscles

The best methods to train the chest muscles

The chest muscles are among the strongest muscles in our body. Unfortunately, it is not as easy to train as, for example, the leg muscles. But with the right strategy and exercises, it is possible to train the chest muscles optimally.

The best and most effective fat-burning workouts

The best and most effective fat-burning workouts

Many exercises regularly to lose weight, reach their desired weight, or even maintain it. In conjunction with a balanced diet, this is also very possible. However, to achieve the most tremendous success, it is helpful to know how fat-burning workouts work:

Building muscle is not a question of age

Building muscle is not a question of age

At 30, things keep going downhill. Muscles shrink, energy decreases, and more and more fat accumulates in the body, especially around the belly. But fortunately, that happens just if you don’t do anything about it. Because effective muscle building is possible at any age and, above all, advisable. Here’s everything you need to know:

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Diets work only in combination with sports

Diets work only in combination with sports

Animal experimentation is one of those things, not only from the point of view of animal welfare. Often, the studies are not transferable to humans. But in a study published by the University of Cambridge, scientists are confident that it also applies to humans. Moreover, 

Why you should integrate pull-ups into your workouts

Why you should integrate pull-ups into your workouts

Anyone who wants to study at the German Sport University in Cologne has to pass the legendary qualifying test. A hard day with many tests. And the test that particularly many fail is pull-ups. But even those who don’t want to study there should definitely 

How to learn to perform squats correctly

How to learn to perform squats correctly

Squats are one of the most essential exercises in strength training. The exercise is highly effective and trains many muscles that we need in everyday life and sports. But unfortunately, the failure rate of squats is very high. Therefore, quite a few suffer from back pain and knee pain. Therefore, here are the most essential tips for the correct execution of the movement.

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