Tag: strength training

How to choose the right weight for your strength training

How to choose the right weight for your strength training

Finding the right weight for strength training can be challenging. Depending on the training goal, there are different options. Therefore, here are a few tips on how you can find the right weight for your optimal training.

How do I know that I have trained well?

How do I know that I have trained well?

You’ve had a good workout, worked up a sweat, and then you feel your muscles. That’s good, you think. I’ve completed a great program. But is that really true? How can I know that if I’ve trained well? Fortunately, there are a few indicators.

Should I train until muscle failure?

Should I train until muscle failure?

Anyone who does strength training regularly cannot avoid the question: Should I train until muscle failure? To answer this question, it’s essential to understand what muscle failure even means. Here’s everything you need to know about it:

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Why balance training is so important for athletes

Why balance training is so important for athletes

For skiers and gymnasts, regular balance training is a given. Not only because it improves their performance but primarily to prevent injuries. But it’s essential for anyone who does sports and fitness regularly. Good balance makes you better in all areas.

Fast muscle-building with these tips

Fast muscle-building with these tips

You want fast muscle-building, but your schedule doesn’t allow for hours of training? No reason to despair. It takes time and effort to put on a good set of muscles, but with the right strategy, you can build muscle quickly, even if you’re on a 

The optimal speed of movement during strength training

The optimal speed of movement during strength training

Fast, slow, or just by feel? What is the optimal speed of movement for strength training? In fact, most athletes don’t pay any attention to this and just get started. This is a pity because the right movement speed during strength training can influence the workout’s success.

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