Tag: training

Muscle growth – how fast does it really go?

Muscle growth – how fast does it really go?

They can still be found in magazines and on the Internet: Articles with headlines like “Six-pack in 14 days” or “Guaranteed more visible muscles in a week”. Even with forbidden measures, this is hardly possible. So let’s take a closer look at how muscle growth 

Whole-body workout with a barbell for muscle building

Whole-body workout with a barbell for muscle building

When you think of a barbell workout, squats and bench presses probably come to mind first. But you can do a great whole-body workout with the steel bars up to two meters long. Here is a complete whole-body workout with the barbell.

Supercompensation or how to continuously improve

Supercompensation or how to continuously improve

It does not matter whether you are a beginner, recreational athlete, ambitious athlete or professional. If you do sport regularly, you set certain processes in your body in motion. Ideally, these lead to continuous performance improvement and adaptation symptoms. But all this only works if you are familiar with an important principle of sports science: supercompensation.

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What you should do if you have sore muscles

What you should do if you have sore muscles

If you train hard enough and maybe even go to your limits, sore muscles are often the logical consequence the next day. But what does this sometimes quite an unpleasant feeling actually mean? Are sore muscles really okay after training or do you have to