How fitness ensures a robust immune system

A robust immune system is always essential, but especially in these times. Regular fitness programs can strengthen the body’s defences but also weaken them because a robust immune system depends on many things. Here is everything you need to know.
We are not powerless against viruses
They are tiny, only visible under a microscope. Fifty thousand of them fit comfortably on the head of a pin. But just a few viruses are enough to overwhelm our immune system. Fortunately, we are not powerless. For germs that make us sick, billions of immune cells wait, distributed throughout the body. This endogenous patrol is always alert and on the lookout for dangerous invaders. If they detect enemies, they sound the alarm immediately.
So fitness strengthens our immune system
It has long been known that regular fitness ensures a robust immune system. However, as so often in life, it depends on the right dose. Because training until exhaustion reduces the number of antibodies by 65 percent. Even worse: a healthy level is only reached again after 24 hours. Viruses have it so much easier to outwit the immune system.
The right dose of sport
So if you are not a competitive athlete, you should not put yourself under too much strain during these times. Moderate training is much better because it causes completely harmless inflammatory processes. It puts the body on a slight alert and mobilizes the immune cells. The number of scavenger cells, which are so crucial for the immune system, increases. But since the inflammation is not a danger, the additional helpers can take care of the viruses. Ideally, this test alarm should take place every two days for 30 to 40 minutes – for example, by jogging or muscle training.

Initial studies on immune defence at COVID-19
Initial studies show that people who do little or no exercise are significantly more likely to develop COVID-19. People who exercise moderately regularly, on the other hand, are less likely to fall ill. According to American doctors, by about 40 percent. The situation is different after hard training. The risk of getting more seriously ill is said to increase by 50 percent for a specified period. That’s why it’s currently good not to get completely exhausted in fitness. Especially not if there is a risk of infection afterward.
Pay also attention to your diet
Just as important as a moderate sport is a right nutrition for a robust immune system. To fight off viruses as effectively as possible, you need vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids, enzymes, essential fatty acids, and much more. A deficiency shakes the fundamental pillars of the system. If vitamin A or beta-carotene is missing, the crucial immune organs, spleen, and thymus, become smaller. A zinc deficiency also causes the thymus gland to shrink. Consequence: the number of significant T-cells decreases.
Immune-boosting with nutrition ist not difficult
Daily fruit and vegetables, regular wholemeal and dairy products, fish twice a week, and, if you still want, some meat from time to time are ideal. Liver, carrots, fennel, and spinach are excellent sources of vitamin A and beta-carotene. A lot of vitamin B6 is found in potatoes, fish and bananas, vitamin E and selenium in cereals, soy and fish, zinc in shellfish and wholemeal products, arginine abundantly in nuts. You should exercise restraint when eating foods that are too greasy and sugary. They rob the body of energy, which it cannot then use for the defense against viruses.
This article has been thoroughly researched, but can of course not replace medical advice.