How to start training again after a running injury

How to start training again after a running injury

Often it’s overtraining, sometimes it’s the wrong footwear, and sometimes it’s just plain bad luck. Unfortunately, the number of runners who suffer from injuries is relatively high. According to research, it is 30 percent. Nevertheless, most of them are planning a comeback. So here are the best tips for getting back on track after a running injury:

It depends on the type of running injury

How quickly you can start your comeback depends, of course, on the type of running injury. The knees are most commonly affected, followed by the Achilles tendon and the back. Plantar fasciitis is another common problem. For all of them, get medical and/or physical therapy treatment and don’t start running again until you have the green light from the medical side.

Start slowly

Once the injury is cured, there is nothing to stop you from training regularly. However, the duration of the absence from running plays a decisive role. If you take a forced break of only one week, you can start again with the same training intensity. Provided that you are really pain-free and your injury had nothing to do with overload. If this is the case, it is advisable to rethink your training plan and adapt it to your individual abilities. Research shows that about 70 percent of all runners run too fast. If you have not been able to run for a long time, you should keep the following things in mind:

  • Getting the musculoskeletal system used to running again makes sense to start with fast walking.
  • It is also possible to alternate between running and fast walking. In this way, muscles, bones, joints, and ligaments can also quickly adapt.
  • It is also advisable to walk on rough terrain. This is a welcome stimulus for the muscles that have regressed due to the break from running.
  • Leave your ego at the door and start with purely aerobic training. At least for the first two to three weeks. After that, you can do intervals, or even tempo runs again.
  • To avoid re-injury, every runner should definitely do strength training regularly. This can significantly reduce the injury rate.

Try out other sports as well

Not only a very effective injury prevention, but also an excellent measure to increase your performance: You should also do other sports besides your running and strength training. This can be cycling, rowing, swimming, and also aqua-jogging. All measures to improve your aerobic endurance and activate a plus of muscles. Your running training will also benefit from this. There is hardly a top runner who does not use these tools.

Learn the lessons of your running injury

A severe tip. Unfortunately, running injuries are often self-inflicted. As mentioned above, overload, wrong or poor footwear, and insufficient regeneration are to blame. Does this also apply to you? Then listen to your body and learn suitable lessons. Get professional advice. This can be an experienced trainer, the treating sports physician, or physiotherapist. Running is one of the healthiest sports there is. But only if you train according to your individual abilities. You should go to a good running shoe store when buying running shoes. There you will usually get excellent advice.

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