Tag: running training

Fartlek is a great training tool for runners

Fartlek is a great training tool for runners

For runners, there is probably no more versatile training than a fartlek. In this endurance and speed training developed by a Swede, you vary the speed and intensity of your run. It will keep you in constant motion and increase your aerobic and anaerobic endurance.

How to start training again after a running injury

How to start training again after a running injury

Often it’s overtraining, sometimes it’s the wrong footwear, and sometimes it’s just plain bad luck. Unfortunately, the number of runners who suffer from injuries is relatively high. According to research, it is 30 percent. Nevertheless, most of them are planning a comeback. So here are 

Why hill running is such a great workout

Why hill running is such a great workout

They can be a big challenge, even for the well-trained. That’s why hill running is not so popular. But every ambitious runner should incorporate hill running regularly into their training. Done correctly, they make you a fitter athlete. Here are the best tips:

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Runners should strengthen the legs to prevent back pain

Runners should strengthen the legs to prevent back pain

Those who have never had back pain belong to a rare species. However, even with many runners, the back often causes problems. The consequences were training failures and missed competitions. A study now shows that not only back and core training can prevent issues with 

How the Banister formula makes you a better runner

How the Banister formula makes you a better runner

Runners who want to know how strenuous their different training sessions are can use the Banister formula as a guide. But this only works if you know your so-called deflection range. It sounds complicated, but it’s not. It is easy to determine:

Your science-based running guide

Your science-based running guide

Do you run regularly and want to know how you can optimize your training? Then my new running guide is probably just right for you. On 136 pages, you will find all the information you need for your running training. The book is available worldwide on Amazon:

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