Optimally prepared for the next marathon

Optimally prepared for the next marathon

Many thousands of runners are currently preparing for their first or next marathon. But not only the training should be right. It is also important to be as relaxed as possible at the start on race day. Therefore here are a few tips for day X.

What you should consider on the day of the marathon

A marathon is considered the ultimate challenge for a runner. Without months of preparation and regular training, the 42 195 meters cannot be completed without health risks. But if you have trained intensively and varied enough, you don’t have to be afraid. But here are a few extra tips that can make day X an even greater success:

Start your next marathon as relaxed as possible

Not everyone lives in the city where a marathon takes place. If you are traveling for a long time it makes sense to go there two days in advance. The day before the race you can pick up your starting documents and inspect the starting area. On the day of the race itself, you should arrive at least one hour before the start. Conversations with other runners can further reduce nervousness.

Do everything important the day before

A marathon usually starts early in the morning. It is, therefore, a good idea to get your running clothes, shoes, start numbers, timekeeping chips and personal items, as well as energy bars and drinks, ready the evening before the race.

Set the times in advance

Most runners set a specific time in which they want to complete the next marathon. In order to achieve this, it is advisable to make a note of when you should pass certain points in order to achieve the target time. All organizers offer time tables for this purpose on their homepages. Furthermore, these intermediate times help you to run at your own optimal speed. Especially in a crowd or with a cheering audience it can happen that you run too fast. In the end, you lack power.

Preparing the body

Women should wear a good sports bra, which they have already tested in training. Without one, even with small cup size, the breast moves four centimeters up and down. And without a sports bra, this can cause pain in the long distance. Men should tape their nipples so that they do not chafe. Preferably with an X of two plasters. Depending on the anatomy, the inner thighs and armpits are also prone to chafing. Vaseline can help here.

Your next marathon will be a greater success when good prepared
Good preparation is important for your next marathon (©adpic)

Be sure to prepare the shoes

Open shoelaces are a terrible nuisance in a marathon. Not only are they a tripping hazard, but they also put a strain on the psyche, because you lose a lot of time when you’re tying up and you have to find your running rhythm again. A double knot is ideal.

Do not forget to pay attention to the socks

They are still underestimated but are almost as important as good running shoes: perfectly fitting socks. If possible without wrinkles and preferably without seams. So make sure you test out beforehand which socks fit your feet best.

Do not forget the sun protection

In spring the sun already has enormous power. That is why you should definitely put sunscreen on your arms, legs, and face. You should do this sometime before the race. Not that the cream on your forehead gets into your eyes through sweat.

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