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This is how much time you need for successful strength training

This is how much time you need for successful strength training

Nothing comes from nothing. A stupid phrase, but unfortunately, with a kernel of truth. Because it also applies to muscle building. You need to invest a certain amount of time for successful strength training. The fewer units you do per week, the longer your workout 

The best exercises for strong biceps

The best exercises for strong biceps

Our biceps are not a particularly large muscle. In fact, it’s quite small compared to the thigh muscles or the glutes. Nevertheless, impressive biceps make you look much fitter and stronger. Here are the best tips on how to train for strong biceps:

Eccentric training for more strength and muscles

Eccentric training for more strength and muscles

When we describe a person as eccentric, it usually has a negative connotation. Therefore, these are people we prefer to avoid. Even in strength training, most athletes emphasize the concentric phase than the eccentric phase. But it is eccentric training that we should not avoid:

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Battle rope training is the perfect fitness program

Battle rope training is the perfect fitness program

Battle Rope Training has been around for quite a while now and still enjoys great popularity. Good thing because the workout with the heavy ropes is a fitness program for the whole body. Here are the most essential information and two training programs for all 

The best plank-variations for a stronger Core

The best plank-variations for a stronger Core

Top performances in sport always cause astonishment. Particularly impressive is the world record of the Chinese Mao Weidong. For eight hours and one minute, he was able to hold the plan position. This is not recommended for imitation. But planks and plank-variations to a reasonable 

Runner’s high and what runners should know

Runner’s high and what runners should know

No, it is not a myth. This phenomenon actually exists. Those who have been running for a long time long for it. And those who start running wonder how long it will take to get to the runner’s high. Because it’s a great feeling. Here’s everything you need to know about it:

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