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How the Banister formula makes you a better runner

How the Banister formula makes you a better runner

Runners who want to know how strenuous their different training sessions are can use the Banister formula as a guide. But this only works if you know your so-called deflection range. It sounds complicated, but it’s not. It is easy to determine:

So you can recover faster with clever nutrition

So you can recover faster with clever nutrition

If you train a lot and regularly, you have to weigh carefully: How long does my body need regeneration? The performance will only increase if you follow the principle of supercompensation. If you want to recover faster, clever nutrition can be a great help.

Leg strength training with these 8 exercises

Leg strength training with these 8 exercises

Unfortunately, building athletic or even muscular legs doesn’t happen overnight. Depending on your genetic make-up, it can take a few weeks or even months for visible results. But if you exercise regularly, you will definitely be rewarded. Here are 8 exercises for practical leg strength training:

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Running injuries can be prevented with regular strength training

Running injuries can be prevented with regular strength training

More than half of all athletes who go jogging suffer from running injuries at least once a year. But this need not be the case. In addition to a sensible training plan, strength training, in particular, can protect against running injuries. Here’s what runners should 

How successful is my regular training?

How successful is my regular training?

Anyone who trains regularly naturally wants to see success. At some point, most athletes reach the point where they ask themselves: How successful is my regular training? Fortunately, you can quickly check this yourself.

Muscle fibers and training – what you need to know

Muscle fibers and training – what you need to know

The human body has about 650 muscles. Unfortunately, it cannot be said precisely. Some muscles merge into each other, and some are no longer found in old age. But one thing is sure: the muscle fibers of the skeletal muscles enable us to move. So it might be a good idea to get to know about them and their function better. Read more about muscles fibers and training.

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