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Why and how regular fitness makes happy

Why and how regular fitness makes happy

If you don’t play sports, it’s hard to understand. So why do millions of people do fitness, or why do they go jogging after an exhausting day? Even if couch potatoes find it hard to believe, the answer is: It’s because regular fitness makes you happy. And 

Tapering – Running fast when it matters most

Tapering – Running fast when it matters most

Millions of runners regularly take part in competitions. However, if you want to get your best performance on the day it matters most, you need to prepare yourself carefully. The last six weeks and the so-called tapering can be a great help. Read on.

Kettlebell training: Avoid these four mistakes

Kettlebell training: Avoid these four mistakes

The kettlebell’s triumphal march began in the circus. First, strong men performed tricks with it. Then special military units discovered the benefits of the kettlebell. Today, kettlebell training enjoys great popularity. But you can only benefit from the many advantages of this functional workout if you avoid these 4 mistakes.

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The protein guide for optimal and effective muscle building

The protein guide for optimal and effective muscle building

Proteins are real multi-talents and an integral part of a balanced diet. If you are an athlete and want to build muscle, you have an increased need. But what should I look out for, and which foods are particularly recommended? This little protein guide provides 

Unilateral exercises for a strong and healthy back

Unilateral exercises for a strong and healthy back

Muscular imbalances are widespread and a significant risk factor for back pain. Unilateral training can help. The one-armed or one-legged exercises are efficient. They not only train coordination and body awareness. The all-important deep muscles around the spine also benefit.

What helps best against side stitches

What helps best against side stitches

Almost everyone has had to struggle with it at some time or another. Not only recreational athletes but also Olympic athletes. That nasty pain below the costal arch, which we popularly call side stitches. Fortunately, harmless, they can turn training into torture. But with these tips, you’ll quickly get a grip on the problems.

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