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Absolute strength can be more important than muscle mass

Absolute strength can be more important than muscle mass

Do you take part in competitions as an athlete? Or you like to compare yourself with others during strength training? Then you should know that muscle mass says less about your performance than your absolute strength. However, there are a few things to keep in 

Why glucose is so important for endurance athletes

Why glucose is so important for endurance athletes

Hopefully, it will soon be possible again, probably in autumn: taking part in a marathon, a cycle race, or a triathlon. You should already prepare your training for this and not forget one thing: The optimal supply of nutrients, especially glucose. Here is the most 

The best training tips for fitness beginners

The best training tips for fitness beginners

Because of the strange times we live in, the resolution to exercise regularly is one of the best ideas. But if you want to keep this resolution, you should know what to do. So here are the best tips for fitness beginners:

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What is the benefit of exercise before breakfast?

What is the benefit of exercise before breakfast?

It is an alternative for early risers or people who have to work later: they can exercise before breakfast. According to a study, this is supposed to burn excess fat remarkably quickly and effectively. But is that really true? Is exercise before breakfast advisable?

With pre-activation you can train more effectively

With pre-activation you can train more effectively

If you train regularly, you naturally want to get the most out of your workout. One method with which you can effectively improve your speed is the so-called pre-activation. It increases your training performance by up to 5 percent.

How effective is carb cycling for athletes?

How effective is carb cycling for athletes?

Once the favorite diet of bodybuilders, carb cycling has long since conquered all areas of fitness. The cyclical carbohydrate intake depends entirely on your activity. On intensive training days, you eat more carbohydrates. On calmer days, you reduce your carbohydrate intake. But what are the real benefits of carb cycling?

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