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Why you should avoid fitness breaks

Why you should avoid fitness breaks

If you are injured or ill, you naturally have no other choice. Your body has to recover. But for everyone else: fitness breaks are not a good idea. After all, the fitness you have trained for is lost quite quickly. But read for yourself what 

Bulgarian squats are perhaps the best leg strength training

Bulgarian squats are perhaps the best leg strength training

When it comes to training the leg muscles, squats are usually at the top of the to-do list. But there is another exercise that will help you prepare your thighs and buttocks optimally. Bulgarian squats are even more popular with some trainers than squats. A 

Bioactive substances for better fitness

Bioactive substances for better fitness

The more colorful the food on the plate, the better for our well-being. Provided, they are natural products. Bioactive substances shine in the colors red, yellow, blue, and violet. Although they are not essential for life, they strengthen our body and boost our fitness.

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Why a Fitness Challenge is not always a good idea

Why a Fitness Challenge is not always a good idea

They are always around, and they are spreading at breakneck speed through social media. One fitness challenge is to keep planks as long as possible. Another is to train for a six-pack in 30 days or run a marathon. But it is not always a 

With good grip strength you can train more effectively

With good grip strength you can train more effectively

We train the arms, legs, abdomen, and back. In other words, the whole body. But what many neglects are the hands. The grip strength is fundamental in many sports, but it also plays a decisive role in strength training. It allows you to train more 

The best training time for your goals

The best training time for your goals

Several studies have been published in recent months on the best training time, with the most surprising results. Whether you train in the morning, at noon, in the evening, or whenever it suits you, it has different effects on your success. Here is everything you need to know:

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