Tag: muscle-building

Fast muscle-building with these tips

Fast muscle-building with these tips

You want fast muscle-building, but your schedule doesn’t allow for hours of training? No reason to despair. It takes time and effort to put on a good set of muscles, but with the right strategy, you can build muscle quickly, even if you’re on a 

Building muscle is not a question of age

Building muscle is not a question of age

At 30, things keep going downhill. Muscles shrink, energy decreases, and more and more fat accumulates in the body, especially around the belly. But fortunately, that happens just if you don’t do anything about it. Because effective muscle building is possible at any age and, 

How to build muscle despite fast metabolism

How to build muscle despite fast metabolism

Many people wish they had a fast metabolism. Because then they could eat as much as they want without gaining weight. But those who have a fast metabolism also have a disadvantage. Because who has a turbo metabolism, it is much harder to build muscle – but it is not impossible:

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