Tag: muscles

New insights: Muscles have their own brain

New insights: Muscles have their own brain

Good news for those who, after many years of abstinence from sports, start exercising regularly again: You’ll get fit again faster than someone who has never exercised. The reason: muscles have their own brain. What does that mean? Read on.

Without choline, the muscles do not grow

Without choline, the muscles do not grow

This is very annoying. You train super diligently and regularly, stick to the plans and give your body the necessary breaks – and still, it doesn’t want to work out with the muscle building. A lack of choline could be to blame. A new study 

Fat burning and how strength training helps

Fat burning and how strength training helps

At first glance, it looks like regular endurance training is the best way to burn fat. According to Harvard Health, a person weighing 70 kilograms burns 372 calories within 30 minutes when jogging. Strength training burns only 223 calories. But strength training has other fat-burning benefits.

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The most important aspects of muscle building for women

The most important aspects of muscle building for women

The topic of muscle building used to be addressed almost exclusively to men. Fortunately, that has changed completely. Today, women do strength training as naturally as men. Here are the most essential facts about muscle building for women:

Myokines are the health secret of our muscles

Myokines are the health secret of our muscles

Regular fitness programs, according to individual abilities, are super healthy. This has not been a secret for a long time. Muscles, in particular, are absolute health wonders. And now we know why: it’s the myokines. Here’s what you need to know:

You should train these muscle groups together

You should train these muscle groups together

Regular strength training is one of the best things you can do for your body. You don’t just get a great figure. Bones, metabolism, and all internal organs also benefit. However, there are a few things to keep in mind for success. First, you should know which muscle groups you should train together.

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