Tag: performance

Biorhythm and the optimal time for fitness and sport

Biorhythm and the optimal time for fitness and sport

Your performance fluctuates by a whopping 26 percent over the day. Of course, this has an influence on your fitness training. Because there are times of day when you are in excellent shape and others when you should instead rest. If you pay attention to 

How tattoos affect the performance capability of athletes

How tattoos affect the performance capability of athletes

Athletes, swimmers, footballers – anyone who watches sports broadcasts on TV can admire the athletes’ performance and the many more or less successful tattoos on the skin. However, suppose you are an active sportsman or woman and are thinking about getting a tattoo. In that 

Periodization helps with continuous performance improvement

Periodization helps with continuous performance improvement

Anyone who trains regularly would like to continuously improve their performance. If this does not work as desired, if performance stagnates or even declines, incorrect periodization can often occur. But this does not have to be the case: If you divide your training or workout into cycles, you have the best chance of making progress.

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Why you should avoid fitness breaks

Why you should avoid fitness breaks

If you are injured or ill, you naturally have no other choice. Your body has to recover. But for everyone else: fitness breaks are not a good idea. After all, the fitness you have trained for is lost quite quickly. But read for yourself what