Tag: protein

Low performance? How to get back in shape

Low performance? How to get back in shape

There are always phases in training when things don’t run smoothly. You constantly feel tired, weak, and lazy. Overtraining is often to blame. And only those who then reduce their workload can recover from it. But there are other reasons for an inexplicable low performance.

The protein guide for optimal and effective muscle building

The protein guide for optimal and effective muscle building

Proteins are real multi-talents and an integral part of a balanced diet. If you are an athlete and want to build muscle, you have an increased need. But what should I look out for, and which foods are particularly recommended? This little protein guide provides 

Better recovery after a challenging workout

Better recovery after a challenging workout

During the breaks, the muscle grows. That’s not an empty phrase; it’s really true. That’s why regeneration after a challenging workout also plays a unique role. With these measures, you can optimize and shorten this regeneration phase:

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