Tag: repetition maximum

How to determine your one-repetition maximum

How to determine your one-repetition maximum

Training with the right weight is the most important prerequisite for continuous increases in performance. Whether you want to improve your strength or endurance, define muscles, or simply look more athletic. To achieve your goals, it helps to know your one-repetition maximum.

5 strength training methods and what they are good for

5 strength training methods and what they are good for

Strength training is becoming more and more popular with men and women alike. For each individual, the question arises: What do I want to achieve with this? Because different strength training methods should be used depending on the objective. Therefore here is an overview:

Why regular training is so important for you

Why regular training is so important for you

It’s a law of nature. Only if you train regularly will you stay fit. However, if you are inactive for a more extended period, muscles and blood vessels will regress. The body no longer needs them. Unfortunately, this happens very quickly. That is why regular training is so necessary.

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Absolute strength can be more important than muscle mass

Absolute strength can be more important than muscle mass

Do you take part in competitions as an athlete? Or you like to compare yourself with others during strength training? Then you should know that muscle mass says less about your performance than your absolute strength. However, there are a few things to keep in