How to determine your one-repetition maximum

How to determine your one-repetition maximum

Training with the right weight is the most important prerequisite for continuous increases in performance. Whether you want to improve your strength or endurance, define muscles, or simply look more athletic. To achieve your goals, it helps to know your one-repetition maximum.

Why it is important to know the one-repetition maximum

It’s pretty simple: If you work with weights that are too light, the muscle won’t react. If the weights are too heavy, you risk overloading and, worst case, even injury. But when you know your repetition maximum, you can plan your training individually. To determine your one-repetition maximum, you need a second person for assistance. The ideal person is familiar with weight training. With the so-called dynamic-repetition-maximum-strength test, you can quickly determine your individual performance.

The best way to proceed

  • First, you should warm up for a few minutes. Then do ten repetitions with a lightweight to prepare your muscles. The muscles memorize the movement pattern. So they can better adjust to the following load.
  • Then choose a weight that you think you can only repeat once. Do the exercise correctly. The second person should pay attention to this.
  • Then take a break of at least three to four minutes. Then you put on a little more weight and try to master it again.
  • You do this for so long until you can no longer handle the weight with the correct movement.
  • Note date and weight. It corresponds to your current maximum strength in this exercise.
You should test out your one-repetition maximum every 4 to 6 weeks
For continuous performance improvements the one-repetition maximum is quite helpful (©adpic)

You should test your one-repetition maximum regularly

You will improve your performance if you train regularly and according to your individual abilities. Therefore, it is essential to test the one-repetition maximum repeatedly to adjust the weights during training. Experts call this the principle of increasing progressive overload. Because performance enhancements are only possible if you set an over threshold stimulus. If you train three times a week, you should test out every four to six weeks.

A special tip für you

If you want to test several devices, make sure that the same muscle groups are not tested one after the other. Due to fatigue, this would falsify the results. Bench press and then squats is okay. Also, it is advisable to perform the test in a rested state, perhaps after a day of rest.

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