Test yourself: Do I actually train successfully?

Those who train regularly would like to see success. But, at some point, most athletes reach the point where they ask themselves: Do I actually train successfully? Or are all those sweaty efforts for nothing?
The first successes last a few weeks
If you want to classify the success of your training, some basic things have to be considered first. In the first place, of course, are the goals you are pursuing. Some people work on their endurance, others want to gain more muscle, and others lose weight. But your current fitness level is just as important. Everyone must know that it can take several weeks before your strength levels improve significantly. It is usually a bit faster with beginners than with already well-trained athletes.
Beginners should pay attention to these things
If you are a beginner and train regularly at least three times a week, you can measure your success by the following points:
- If you train your muscles regularly, you should either do more repetitions with the same weight or a higher weight after four to six weeks.
- You should be able to do more repetitions or work with higher resistance when doing HIIT.
- If your focus is on endurance, you should be able to run the same distance faster after four to six weeks than when you started training. Or you should be able to cover a longer distance.
- You should feel less tired and exhausted after your training program and your clothing should feel looser.
- Of course, you should feel better overall and have more energy. Not only during training but also in everyday life.

If these points do not apply to you
If the points mentioned do not apply to you, you are most likely doing something wrong. Either you are pushing yourself too hard, or the stimuli of your training are too low. Then it makes sense to get advice from a professional coach.
Well trained athletes must pay attention to this
Even with athletes who have been training regularly for a long time, it can happen that it does not go ahead. This is called a plateau. It is even worse when the performance not only stagnates but even deteriorates. Whoever wants to get back on the road to success should definitely set new stimuli.
How to set new stimuli during weight training
The intensity is particularly important in training. It should correspond to your current capacity. Listen to your body. If you have pain or sleep badly, you are probably training too hard. Here are a few more tips:
- In strength training, it may be enough to change the order of the exercises.
- Even better are completely new exercises that use muscles that you may have neglected until now.
- Instead of dumbbells, you can do your training with kettlebells, resistance bands, medicine balls or other training equipment.
- Make your training more difficult by standing on an unstable surface or bench pressing on a large fitness ball.
- Also with the HIIT, you can integrate completely new exercises into your program.
How to set new stimuli during endurance training
- Here too you should rely on variety to train successfully.
- Run your usual route the other way round or look for a completely new route.
- You can intensify your training with mountain run or stair runs.
- Runners can also sit on their bikes, go swimming or inline skating. If there is snow, cross-country skiing is a great alternative.