Tag: overtraining

How do I know that I have trained well?

How do I know that I have trained well?

You’ve had a good workout, worked up a sweat, and then you feel your muscles. That’s good, you think. I’ve completed a great program. But is that really true? How can I know that if I’ve trained well? Fortunately, there are a few indicators.

How to improve constantly and avoid a training plateau

How to improve constantly and avoid a training plateau

When performance stagnates despite regular training, it’s frustrating. Experts, therefore, advise periodization. After six to eight weeks, increasing the intensity or setting new stimuli is advisable. Otherwise, you will reach a training plateau. But is that true for all athletes?

How to avoid overtraining – the best tips

How to avoid overtraining – the best tips

Anyone who knows a little about fitness training knows: It takes certain stimuli to trigger the desired effects in the body. But those who constantly push their limits or even exceed their borders do themselves no favor. But if you know what is going on in your body during training, you can avoid overtraining.

Continue reading How to avoid overtraining – the best tips
Low performance? How to get back in shape

Low performance? How to get back in shape

There are always phases in training when things don’t run smoothly. You constantly feel tired, weak, and lazy. Overtraining is often to blame. And only those who then reduce their workload can recover from it. But there are other reasons for an inexplicable low performance.

Test yourself: Do I actually train successfully?

Test yourself: Do I actually train successfully?

Those who train regularly would like to see success. But, at some point, most athletes reach the point where they ask themselves: Do I actually train successfully? Or are all those sweaty efforts for nothing?