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Sleep disorders are bad for fitness and exercise

Sleep disorders are bad for fitness and exercise

Excellent training, the right timing between exercise and recovery, and a balanced diet. These are essential ingredients for continuous performance improvement. But good sleep is at least as necessary for fitness. Because sleep disorders reduce performance and are bad for fitness and your ability to 

Muscle hypertrophy – the optimal training for it

Muscle hypertrophy – the optimal training for it

One of the main reasons for men to exercise regularly is clearly visible muscles. The technical term for this is muscle hypertrophy. But more and more women are also taking a liking to have more muscles. But how long and how often do I have 

Everything but sugar – Sweet alternatives for athletes

Everything but sugar – Sweet alternatives for athletes

A hundred years ago, a luxury good, today, a product with a dubious reputation. Sugar is considered a sick, weak, and fattening agent. But, as so often in life, it depends on the amount. In small amounts, sugar can even boost athletic performance in the short term. But too much is unhealthy. Fortunately, there are good sweet alternatives for athletes.

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How to raise your running training to a higher level

How to raise your running training to a higher level

According to the latest statistics, 240 million people regularly go jogging. And in these strange times, new athletes are joining them every day. For all newcomers and those who have been running for a longer time: Here are five tips to take your running training 

Berries are the perfect fitness food

Berries are the perfect fitness food

Hardly any other medicine can match the beneficial effects of tasty fruits. Researchers have discovered almost 100,000 healthy ingredients in fruit so far. Not only do they protect against many diseases, but they also keep us in top physical shape. Delicious berries, in particular, are 

Why sport can make us happy

Why sport can make us happy

If you don’t do sports, you can hardly understand it. Why do millions of people still get up after an exhausting day to do fitness or run a lap? Even if couch potatoes find it hard to believe, the answer is: Because sport can make us happy. And research now knows why.

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