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These foods boycott your muscle workout

These foods boycott your muscle workout

Do you do a regular muscle workout, stick to a sophisticated and customized plan, and still it does not want to work with muscle building? Then you should look at what you eat and drink every day. Because there are products that boycott your goals 

Myokines are the health secret of our muscles

Myokines are the health secret of our muscles

Regular fitness programs, according to individual abilities, are super healthy. This has not been a secret for a long time. Muscles, in particular, are absolute health wonders. And now we know why: it’s the myokines. Here’s what you need to know:

Building strength with isometric training

Building strength with isometric training

There are many ways to train and strengthen your muscles. However, if you want to take it a little easier, you should try isometric training. The calm and static movements make you stronger, but they also promote concentration. Here are the best tips for isometric training.

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Defined muscles and how to train for them

Defined muscles and how to train for them

Nature has arranged it that way: If you want a shapely body with great and defined muscles, you must train accordingly and provide yourself with the right food. Without regular strength training, our muscles can’t increase their volume. Here are the best methods and strategies 

Mediterranean diet makes runners more competitive

Mediterranean diet makes runners more competitive

Diets and nutrition recommendations are a dime a dozen. For runners, too. Some are supposed to help with weight loss; others support training or improve performance. The Mediterranean diet is trendy and healthy. A scientific study has now shown that it is also the best 

Biorhythm and the optimal time for fitness and sport

Biorhythm and the optimal time for fitness and sport

Your performance fluctuates by a whopping 26 percent over the day. Of course, this has an influence on your fitness training. Because there are times of day when you are in excellent shape and others when you should instead rest. If you pay attention to your biorhythm during your workout, you can train more effectively.

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