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Nutrition mistakes that sabotage your fitness goals

Nutrition mistakes that sabotage your fitness goals

You can exercise regularly and according to a sophisticated and customized plan. But if your diet isn’t proper, all your sweaty efforts are almost always a waste of time. Therefore, here are the four most common nutrition mistakes that sabotage your fitness goals:

Why hill running is such a great workout

Why hill running is such a great workout

They can be a big challenge, even for the well-trained. That’s why hill running is not so popular. But every ambitious runner should incorporate hill running regularly into their training. Done correctly, they make you a fitter athlete. Here are the best tips:

Metabolic conditiong for more strength and endurance

Metabolic conditiong for more strength and endurance

Hardly anyone who is more intensively involved in fitness can ignore this training option: Metabolic Conditioning, or MetCon for short, has for some time been considered the ultimate when it comes to demanding everything from the body. The workout provides extra strength and endurance in a relatively short time. Let’s take a closer look:

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Train the whole body optimally with the medicine ball

Train the whole body optimally with the medicine ball

If you are looking for a device that allows you to train the whole body, a medicine ball is the best choice. Already 120 years, the differently weighted ball is back in vogue. Another advantage: It is suitable for beginners and professionals alike.

How to recognize and correct muscular imbalances

How to recognize and correct muscular imbalances

Every athlete has their favorite side. The problem is that muscular imbalances develop if I focus too much attention on just one area during strength training or other fitness programs. The results are poor posture and increased susceptibility to injury. Here’s everything you need to 

These ten fitness mistakes are the most common

These ten fitness mistakes are the most common

If you want to feel healthier, more energetic, more desirable, and more confident, all you really need to do is exercise regularly. There is currently no better medicine than individually adapted fitness programs. Provided you know what you’re doing. So here are the 10 fitness mistakes you should avoid:

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