Tag: running

Runner’s high and what runners should know

Runner’s high and what runners should know

No, it is not a myth. This phenomenon actually exists. Those who have been running for a long time long for it. And those who start running wonder how long it will take to get to the runner’s high. Because it’s a great feeling. Here’s 

How progressive runs make you a better runner

How progressive runs make you a better runner

Numerous training methods will make you a better runner: Interval training, hill running, stair running, and strength training. But of all things, one particularly effective measure is used far too rarely: progressive runs. Read on if you want to know more about it:

6 running mistakes and how you can avoid them

6 running mistakes and how you can avoid them

Around 621 million people regularly slip on their running shoes to go jogging. Unfortunately, most of them don’t have a trainer. But there are numerous books and info on the internet regarding how to train. Still, 6 running mistakes are widespread. Here’s how you can avoid them:

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Runners should strengthen the legs to prevent back pain

Runners should strengthen the legs to prevent back pain

Those who have never had back pain belong to a rare species. However, even with many runners, the back often causes problems. The consequences were training failures and missed competitions. A study now shows that not only back and core training can prevent issues with 

What helps best against side stitches

What helps best against side stitches

Almost everyone has had to struggle with it at some time or another. Not only recreational athletes but also Olympic athletes. That nasty pain below the costal arch, which we popularly call side stitches. Fortunately, harmless, they can turn training into torture. But with these 

How to find the right pace when jogging

How to find the right pace when jogging

Studies worldwide show that most Joggers are running too fast. This applies not only to ambitious runners but also to all those who run for health reasons. The problem with that: On the one hand it is not suitable for your health, on the other hand, you are boycotting your training success. The good news: It’s easy to find the right pace when jogging.

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