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How to improve constantly and avoid a training plateau

How to improve constantly and avoid a training plateau

When performance stagnates despite regular training, it’s frustrating. Experts, therefore, advise periodization. After six to eight weeks, increasing the intensity or setting new stimuli is advisable. Otherwise, you will reach a training plateau. But is that true for all athletes?

The best methods to train the chest muscles

The best methods to train the chest muscles

The chest muscles are among the strongest muscles in our body. Unfortunately, it is not as easy to train as, for example, the leg muscles. But with the right strategy and exercises, it is possible to train the chest muscles optimally.

Fast muscle-building with these tips

Fast muscle-building with these tips

You want fast muscle-building, but your schedule doesn’t allow for hours of training? No reason to despair. It takes time and effort to put on a good set of muscles, but with the right strategy, you can build muscle quickly, even if you’re on a tight schedule.

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The optimal speed of movement during strength training

The optimal speed of movement during strength training

Fast, slow, or just by feel? What is the optimal speed of movement for strength training? In fact, most athletes don’t pay any attention to this and just get started. This is a pity because the right movement speed during strength training can influence the 

Without choline, the muscles do not grow

Without choline, the muscles do not grow

This is very annoying. You train super diligently and regularly, stick to the plans and give your body the necessary breaks – and still, it doesn’t want to work out with the muscle building. A lack of choline could be to blame. A new study 

The best and most effective fat-burning workouts

The best and most effective fat-burning workouts

Many exercises regularly to lose weight, reach their desired weight, or even maintain it. In conjunction with a balanced diet, this is also very possible. However, to achieve the most tremendous success, it is helpful to know how fat-burning workouts work:

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