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How to train effectively with the cable machine

How to train effectively with the cable machine

It is in every good gym; some even have it at home. But, entirely unjustifiably, it is overshadowed by barbells, kettlebells, etc. Because a cable machine is ideally suited to perform very effective strength training. Here are a few reasons why you should work on 

Fartlek is a great training tool for runners

Fartlek is a great training tool for runners

For runners, there is probably no more versatile training than a fartlek. In this endurance and speed training developed by a Swede, you vary the speed and intensity of your run. It will keep you in constant motion and increase your aerobic and anaerobic endurance.

Intra-set rest periods for effective strength training

Intra-set rest periods for effective strength training

How the rest periods are arranged during strength training plays an important role. Depending on the training method, it is between one and five minutes. However, recent studies show that more tremendous success can be achieved with shorter recovery intervals. Experts refer to this as intra-set rest periods.

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How to determine your one-repetition maximum

How to determine your one-repetition maximum

Training with the right weight is the most important prerequisite for continuous increases in performance. Whether you want to improve your strength or endurance, define muscles, or simply look more athletic. To achieve your goals, it helps to know your one-repetition maximum.

How bad are cracking joints during workouts?

How bad are cracking joints during workouts?

They are noises that many know from their own experience. With some movements, they can even be quite loud. But do I need to worry if my joints are cracking and popping when I’m exercising? As long as it doesn’t hurt, probably not. But you 

Training principles for best success in strength training

Training principles for best success in strength training

Nature has arranged it that way. As a result, our bodies are subject to specific rules we should obey. This is especially true for those who do strength training regularly. Without adhering to the most crucial training principles, you not only waste a lot of time but may also damage your health.

Continue reading Training principles for best success in strength training