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Why the yo-yo effect ist bad for your muscles

Why the yo-yo effect ist bad for your muscles

If you don’t do anything about it, muscle mass decreases continuously from 30 onwards. The result is what is known as sarcopenia, a loss of muscle mass. A study shows that inactivity is bad for the muscles and the widespread yo-yo effect caused by many 

Leg strength training protects against back pain

Leg strength training protects against back pain

Anyone who has never had back pain is a rare species. For many athletes, too, the back often makes itself known unpleasantly. The result is missed training sessions and competitions. A new study now shows that not only back and core training can prevent back 

Good and bad pain during training

Good and bad pain during training

They can be burning, throbbing, or stabbing. Pain has many faces and usually warns us of health risks. Pain can also occur during exercise. However, there are good pain and bad pain during exercise. Here is the difference:

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The best breathing technique for strength training

The best breathing technique for strength training

Strength training can be quite challenging. So challenging, in fact, that some people forget to breathe while lifting or pressing weights. Experts call this phenomenon ‘forced breathing’ when athletes push themselves too hard. Here are a few tips for the right breathing technique during strength 

How to create your individual training plan

How to create your individual training plan

Not everyone has a personal trainer or the opportunity to have a professional create their very own training plan. Although it is advantageous to have an experienced expert take on this task, you can also put together your own individual training plan. However, you should 

Tabata is probably the fastest workout in the world

Tabata is probably the fastest workout in the world

It only takes 4 minutes and is still highly effective. If you really don’t have much time, you can get a lot out of Tabata fitness. Several studies have shown this. The fastest workout in the world is not suitable as a stand-alone workout, but it is a good idea every now and then.

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