Protein snack before bedtime lets you regenerate faster

If you want to boost your regeneration ability after a hard workout, you should have a protein snack shortly before going to bed. That not only helps the muscles recover faster but also benefits the metabolism and general health. A new study has now shown this.
Why a protein-rich diet is important
A protein-rich diet is an essential component for continuous performance improvement. Athletes have an increased need. This is even higher than long assumed. Especially shortly after a weight training and in the hours after, proteins are vital. During training, the organism uses the body’s own proteins as an energy source. This creates a deficit, which you can quickly compensate for with the right diet.
Eat a little cottage cheese before going to bed
A study at the University of Florida has shown that a small protein snack, about 30 minutes before going to bed, can have significant additional effects. Even grams have a positive impact on the muscles, metabolism, and general health. Active women aged between 20 and 25 participated in the study published in the British Journal of Nutrition. They all ate a portion of cottage cheese as a protein snack 30 minutes before going to bed. Another finding of the study: The cottage cheese just before bedtime works as a source of protein only as well as a protein shake. The same applies to other protein-containing foods, like almonds, dairy products, the whole egg, tofu, seitan, and meat and chicken.

You can also eat too much protein
A study at the University of Florida has shown that a small protein snack, about 30 minutes before going to bed, can have significant additional effects. Even grams have a positive impact on the muscles, metabolism, and general health. Active women aged between 20 and 25 participated in the study published in the British Journal of Nutrition. They all ate a portion of cottage cheese as a protein snack 30 minutes before going to bed. Another finding of the study: The cottage cheese just before bedtime works as a source of protein only as well as a protein shake. The same applies to other protein-containing foods.
With a lot of protein you also have to drink a lot
If you still want to consume more protein, consider the following: If there is a surplus, the body uses more amino acids to provide energy. This process produces large amounts of urea. This must be processed and excreted via the kidneys. To support the small organs, you should drink more throughout the day. It is best to drink more than two liters a day.